Thursday, May 26, 2011


5/26/11- Yesterday, after an extremely rough time at work, I came home to a pleasant surprise. My dear husband and children had taken the time to make about 50 or 60 signs and tape them up all around the livingroom to tell me that they love me and that they will miss me when I go on my mission trip to Brazil. It was so precious!!! Some of the signs that were hanging up said things like “Just Brazil it”-(w/Nike symbol), Spongebob Brazil pants, Got Brazil?, We love you, Jesus loves you, Brazil bucket (after the chum bucket on Spongebob. It even had a little form of Plankton named Brazilet- JOSH knew he was a genius for that one! Diary of a Brazil Mom (Diary of a Wimpy kid) It even had a picture of Greg Heffley and it said Don’t get the Brazil Touch. Precious I tell you. Then, my husband fixed us a yummy dinner of pork chops, corn on the cob, and fried green tomatoes. I was pretty tired and really didn’t want to go to church after that, but our lifegroup was supposed to have company last night so I forced myself to attempt it. It turned out that the mom’s we invited to join us didn’t come after all and so we didn’t have any company, but Christy and April decided to do a foot washing thing and pray for 3 of us that are going to Brazil. It was powerful. I love this group of ladies that I meet with. We are all very different people and have such drastically different lives, but God has taken us and knit us together. It is really amazing when I think about it. I know that if I need something, I can call on them and they would be there (and have already been) I don’t know what I would have done without some of the people that God has placed in my life. I am so thankful!!! Well, as I am attempting to get ready to go on this trip, I have so many things going on. Sometimes, it’s hard to get everything done, but I am learning that God is faithful to give me the strength to do what I am called to do. I am learning that it isn’t always what I feel, but instead about takingupon myself “HIS YOKE” instead of my own. When I am in the YOKE of Christ, there isn’t a lot of energy wasted or needed for that matter. There is a special anointing that I can tell is working in me and it’s almost as if it’s a natural response instead of something that I have labored over. Let me encourage you today: If you are going through something and it seems that it is the hardest thing you have ever went through, let HIM handle it for you and you take HIS YOKE UPON YOU. HIS yoke truly is easy and HIS BURDEN is truly light. May the Lord Bless you and keep you today!!!

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